Andy and Rachel David (Directors of WOW) are passionate about transforming the lives of families who live in extreme poverty, not only by helping them practically, but also showing them through love and compassion that they have value and worth.
Andy’s life was changed forever in 1996 when he went to India and met a 4-year old girl called Christina. Christina had been brought to the children’s home that week after her mother had died, and she looked scared and alone. Andy's heart broke. It was the beginning of a passion to change the lives of girls like Christina. Twenty five years later, Christina is married with children of her own, and is a beautiful, educated young lady.
When Rachel travelled to India in 2005, she met a small group of widows who lived in extreme poverty. These women had little means of supporting themselves, with inadequate food, shelter and healthcare. Deeply affected by the plight of these women, Rachel returned home and began to share their stories, raising funds to provide care and support through their partner organisation in India. WOW Programmes have since been started in Uganda, Ethiopia and Mozambique, and over 300 women are being supported every month.
Andy and Rachel travel extensively throughout the UK to share the stories of the women and children they have met, raising much needed funds to help transform their stories from one of hopelessness and despair, to dignity and hope.
"We can't change the world, but we can change someone's world"
Andy & Rachel David